



Two electropneumatic machines with combined right/left shapes for the simultaneous pressing of
edges and lapels (1 + 1 jacket).
Technical features of each unit:
* movable lower shape assembled on trolley (forward/back) and reclining forward to facilitate the positioning of the lapels.
It is steam heated and vacuum in two separate chambers (lapels and edges)
* side shape for the lapels ironing, assembled on movable trolley, which is integral with the lower shape. It is steam heated and vacuum
* upper plate assembled on movable arm, with pneumatic control and composed by two shapes one of which can be excludedpneumati
for the ironing of single or double-breasted garments. The shapes are steam heated and vacuum; the anterior one can be pneumatically excluded
and it is with vacuum to remove the excess of steam
* indipendent adjustement of the ironing pression in the upper shape (edges) and in the side shape (lapels) with proportional valves
* sponging function in the lapels pressing and programmed air-blowing function in the lower shape
The machine is featuring the following characteristics and is complete with:
* manual commands necessary for the preparation of the garment
* security protection
* 7'' Touch Screen TC7 with USB port

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